1) Due to the 2nd Vienna Award (30. August,1940) Hungary got ...... back. a) Upper Hungary b) Southern Hungary c) Sub-Carpathia d) Northern Transylvania 2) Why did Gemany decide to invade Hungary? a) because of the eternal friendship with Yugoslavia b) because Hungary did not send enough troops to the Don c) because Kállay's negotiations with the allies d) because Hungary was not cooperative enough 3) When did Hungary enter the war against the SU? a) 27. July,1941. b) 10. May,1941. c) 3. July,1941. d) 27.June,1941. 4) Due to the 1st Vienna Award (2. Nov,1938.) Hungary got ....... back. a) Upper Hungary b) Southern Hungary c) Northern Transylvania d) Sub-Carpathia 5) Who was the premier when ww2 broke out? a) Gömbös Gyula b) Teleki Pál c) Bárdossy László d) Kállay Miklós 6) Who was the head of the Provisional Government in December 1944? a) Kállay Miklós b) Lakatos Géza c) Dálnoki Miklós Béla d) Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Endre 7) Who was the commander of the 2nd Hun Army at the Don? a) Lakatos Géza b) Jány Gusztáv c) Szombathelyi Ferenc d) Werth Henrik 8) Which Soviet battle is related to the Hungarian tragedy at the Don? a) battle of Kursk b) battle of Moscow c) liberation of Leningrad d) battle of Stalingrad 9) The Budapest Jews were forced into ghettos and deported under the regime of ...... a) Arrow Cross Movement b) the Nazis c) the Communists d) the Soviets 10) Who was NOT a rescuer of the Jews but fought against the Nazis: a) Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Endre b) Giorgio Perlasca c) Raoul Wallenberg d) Szálasi Ferenc 11) Hitler required Hungary to send troops to which river? a) Visztula b) Don c) Volga d) Dnyeper 12) Who was appointed by Horthy as a premier on 5. May, 1942? a) Kállay Miklós b) Teleki Pál c) Bárdossy László d) Gömbös Gyula


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