1) Fasting in which month of Islamic Calendar is a pillar of Islam? a) Ramadaan b) Dhulhijjah c) Shabaan 2) When does Ramadan begin? a) When the moon disappears/hides b) When the new moon is sighted c) Whenever Masjid decides 3) What is the meal that you have to eat early in the morning to fast called? a) Iftaar b) Suhoor c) Breakfast 4) What is the meal that you eat to break your fast called? a) Iftaar b) Suhoor c) Breakfast 5) What is the other word for Sawm? a) Siyaam b) Hajj c) shaam 6) What does Sawm mean? a) to stay away from water from sunrise to sunset b) to stay away from food and drinks from sunrise to sunset c) To stay away from food from sunrise till afternoon 7) Fasting includes staying away from a) all bad things b) reading Quran c) helping others 8) What is the name of the special prayer that is prayed in the month of Ramadaan? a) Ishaa b) Sunnah c) Taraweeh 9) Why is the month of Ramadan also called the month of Quran? a) Because Muslims read a lot of Quran in this month b) Because the Quran was revealed in this month c) Because Ramadan is a good month  10) Why are the last ten nights in Ramadan important? a) Because Allah sent down the Quran on one of these ten b) Because they are the last nights of Ramadan c) Because many angels come down on the earth bringing peace and blessings in one of these nights  11) If a person fasts with full faith in Allah and with the hope of getting rewarded, Allah removes ___ a) Shaytan 7 kilometers away from him b) Hell fire 70 years away from him c) Jannah 7 years away from him 12) When Ramadan begins, the gates of (1)__________ are opened and the gates of (2) ___________ are closed. a) (1)Hell fire (2) Jannah b) (1)Masjids (2) Restaurants c) (1) Jannah (2) Hell fire 13) ________ is a shield against Hell fire. a) Sleeping b) Suhoor c) Sawm 14) What should you break your fast with to follow the Sunnah? a) Dates b) Juice c) Fruits and vegetables 15) Ramadaan is the _________ month of the Islamic Calendar a) 1st month b) 7th month c) 9th month 16) Making intention(niyyah) is important when fasting. a) true b) False 17) Muslims fast from _________ to sunset. a) Afternoon b) Mid night c) Sunrise 18) Why should we fast in the month of Ramadaan? a) Because Allah told us to b) To show others how good muslims we are c) It reminds us of the difficulties of poor d) It is a pillar of Islam e) To become skinny 19) The name of the gate through which a fasting person will enter Jannah is a) Ar Rayyan b) Ridwaan c) Ibrahim 20) Allah gives a special reward to the fasting person. a) true b) false 21) Fasting will plead (request Allah to forgive) for us on  a) the day of Judgement b) After Ramadaan c) Friday night 22) The name of the special night in the month of Ramadaan is a) Laylatul Zalzala b) Laylatul Qadr c) Laylatul Ar Rayyan 23) After fasting for 29 or 30 days in the month of Ramadaan, Muslims a) Celebrate Eid ul Fitr b) Celebrate Eid ul Adha c) Celebrate new year

Sawm- First Grade



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