be behind with - when you are late, slow, or not doing as well as you should with it, cheer smb up - make smb feel happier, dissappointed - you are slightly unhappy because something is not as good as you wanted or expected or because something did not happen the way you wanted it to, due - if something is due, it should happen or arrive at a certain time, exhaust - to use or try all possible oppotunities or suppies, be exhausted - very tired, be found guilty of murder - officially says that person committed a crime, a nightmare - a dream that is very frightening, a relief - a feeling you get when a bad or worrying situation has ended and you can stop worrying, a shame - it is unfortunate or disappointing, split up - get divorced or end their relationship or stop working together,

Unit 2 feelings p 16-17 Vocabulary Builder


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