1) The party … great. a) were b) was 2) The dogs … in the garden. a) was b) were 3) The children ...at school. a) was b) were 4) The actors … very good. a) wasn't b) weren't 5) I … at home last weekend. a) wasn't b) weren't 6) Mira … late for school yesterday. a) was b) were 7) We … at the party last Saturday. a) was b) were 8) … you in Jerusalem yesterday ? a) was b) were 9) … the film interesting ? a) was b) were 10) When … you in France ? a) was b) were 11) … your parents in Greece last summer ? a) was b) were 12) We … at the concert last Saturday. a) wasn't b) weren't 13) I … at my grandma's house last weekend. a) was b) were 14) A lot of people … at the game. a) was b) were 15) The pizza … delicious. a) was b) were 16) … the test difficult ? a) was b) were 17) … were you last night ? a) When b) Where c) Why 18) … was the film? It was fantastic. a) How b) Where c) When 19) … was she sad yesterday ? a) Why b) Where c) When 20) … were in 2012? I was eight years old. a) When b) How old c) Why 21) … were you at the cinema ? last week. a) When b) Where c) Why

past simple



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