laundry - clothing, sheets, and other things that are cleaned by washing, sausage - a mixture of chopped meat and spices stuffed into a casing of animal intestine, cause - something or someone that brings about a result or effect, pause - to stop temporarily, Australia - the smallest continent, known for kangaroos, Austria - a country in central Europe. Vienna is the capital of Austria, August - the eighth month of the year, launch - to send into the air with great force, like a rocket, caught - past tense of catch, I catch the ball, yesterday I _______ the ball, taught - past tense of teach, thought - past tens of think or an idea in your head, naughty - not behaving well , applauded - past tense of action when hands are clapped to show appreciation, applause - present tense of clapping hands in approval, laugh - to show happiness or amusement by sounds and movement of the mouth, laughter - the act of laughing is known as ________,

Week 18 - Anagram


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