Positive behaviours, attitudes and body language: Smiling with mouth and eyes, Giving eye contact, Relaxed facial expression, Head nodding occasionally , Steady breathing, Gesturing with hands whilst speaking, Raised eyebrows whilst smiling, Keep to work schedules and follow company policies and procedures, Avoid inappropriate behaviour during the working day, Wear correct PPE and/or uniform, Be well-groomed and take pride in your appearance, Having a pleasant and professional manner, Negative behaviours, attitudes and body language: Pursed lips, Invading personal space, No eye contact/looking around, Frowning, Staring, Yawning, Pointing hands or fingers, Tapping fingers or pen, Playing on mobile phone, Interrupting someone who is speaking , Behaving inappropriately , Shouting, Arriving late ,

Positive and negative behaviours, attitudes and body language


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