test tube - a small glass container that is shaped like a tube and is used in chemistry, to meet with one's approval - to be acceptable to one, to rub shoulders with sb - to meet or spend time with someone socially, esp. someone important or famous (встречаться, водить компанию (с кем-л.), sill - the narrow shelf at the base of a window frame, to adjust - 1)to change or move sth slightly to improve it or make it more suitable for a particular purpose(Check and ----- the brakes regularly.) 2)to gradually become familiar with a new situation SYN adapt (They’ll soon settle in – kids are very good at ----ing.), a rich vein of  - a large amount of a particular quality or feature in sb/sth, to contribute - /kənˈtrɪbjuːt/to give money, help, ideas etc to something that a lot of other people are also involved in (I feel good that I can -------/, to put sb off - to make you dislike something or not want to do sth, before long - in a short time, in a while, soon, mental - [not before noun] (informal) thinking or behaving in a way that seems crazy or strange (He must be -----!), cinnamon - an aromatic spice made from the bark of certain tropical trees and used in cooking., to drench - to make something or someone extremely wet, dew - the small drops of water that form on outdoor surfaces during the night, radiant - 1)shining, bright; giving forth light or energy (a lovely day with clear blue skies and ----- sun); 2)full of happiness and love, in a way that shows in your face and makes you look attractive (She looked ----- in a white silk dress.), to be glad to see the back of sb/sth - (spoken) to be pleased when someone leaves or when you get rid of something, because you do not like them(I’ll be glad to --- the ---- of him.), to go through - to experience a difficult or unpleasant situation, feeling etc (When you’re --ing ---- a crisis, it often helps to talk to someone.),


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