1) The ______________ man works out at the gymnasium often to maintain his physique. a) scruffy b) mascular c) chubby d) plump 2) Father used a __________ to clear the dead leaves from his garden. a) spade b) shovel c) rake d) shears 3) Sofia went to watch ___________ film yesterday. __________film was about how a group of scientist experimenting the vaccine. a) a, The b) an, A c) the, An d) an, The 4) Jaafar and Fatin ________into the mall and grabbed all the clothes that were currently on sale. a) rush b) rushes c) rushing d) rushed 5) Madam Zaleeha explains grammar so confusingly that we don't enjoy her lesson all the time. In other words, her explanation is ____________________. a) as blind as a bad b) as clean as a whistle c) as clear as mind d) as strong as an ox 6) _________ is the fastest runner, Aksyar, Halim or Chua? a) Which b) Who c) Whose d) Whom 7) The kind hearted boy donated his money to the beggar __________he had very little money. a) although b) because c) so d) therefore 8) Jamilah turned ____________when the headmistress called out her name for talking during the assembly. a) as black as coal b) as green as grass c) as red as beet d) as blue as the ocean 9) Vandalism is the act of ___________other people's property. a) minding b) appreciating c) razing d) destroying 10) We should _____________ our parents for giving us a home to live in. a) appreciate b) appreciates c) appreciated d) appreciation 11) Hafiz received a coin box for his birthday six month _________. He had been _____________ some coins into it daily. a) later, putting b) ago, putting c) then, put d) ago, put 12) My mother kept some hot food for me but it was _________by the time I ate it. a) warm b) spicy c) stale d) cold 13) Did you see the ______________ at the entrance of the exhibition hall? a) sculpture b) sculptare c) scupture d) sculture 14) There is a beautiful ________________ in the park. a) fointain b) fountain c) founteen d) fauntein 15) Last week, Amanda lost ________ favourite laptop. a) his b) she c) her d) hers 16) I am sorry to hear that your grandmother passed away recently. a) b) c) d) 17) The cat was licking _______ fur. a) his b) her c) its d) their 18) It was Mother's Day last Sunday. Amirah ________ up early in the morning. She planned to __________ a hearty breakfast for her mother. a) wakes, make b) woke, made c) woke, make d) wakes, making 19) The porter will take our ____________ to our room in a minute. a) lugagge b) lugage c) luggage d) lugaje 20) Mak Salmah is a nasi lemak seller. She is a very ______________ lady. a) strong b) humble c) happy d) hardworking

Year 6 - Grammar & Tenses


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