1) What is the water cycle? a) The water cycle is the path that all water follows as it moves around Earth in different states. Liquid water is found in oceans, rivers, lakes—and even underground. b) A process of changing water into ice. c) The process between melting and freezing. 2) The main stages of the water cycle are: a) Melting b) Evaporation c) Condensation d) Freezing e) Precipitation f) Collection 3) How is the water cycle formed? Think about what happens with the main stages. a) It rains and the water collects into seas. b) The stages are going to repeat every time. 4) How does the water from seas, rives evaporates? a) The sun heats up the water and turns into water vapour. b) The water from seas and rivers will get warm. 5) What happens with the water vapour after evaporation? a) The water vapour rises in the air and it cools. b) The water vapour disappears in the air. 6) What happens during condensation with the water vapour? a) The water vapour turns into rain. b) After the water vapour cools, it turns into small water droplets. 7) How and when are the clouds formed? a) The clouds are made out of air. b) They are made out of small water droplets during condensation. 8) What is going to happen with the small water droplets from the clouds? Are they going to stay there forever? a) The water droplets are getting more and bigger inside the clouds. b) The water droplets will get stuck in the clouds, until the sun will dry them up. 9) How does the rain and snow form and from where do they come? a) The rain and snow are coming from the clouds. b) After the water droplets in the clouds get bigger and heavier they will fall back down to the Earth.  c) The rain and snow is made out of cooled air. 10) How do we call the process when rain or snow falls from the sky? a) Condensation b) Precipitation  11) Where does the water go when it is raining? a) When it hits the ground turns into air. b) It may fall in seas, rivers, lakes and be collected there. c)  The water can be absorbed in the soil and go underground helping the plants growing. 12) How do we call the process when the rain gets collected in rivers, lakes or getting absorbed by the soil? a) Collection b) Precipitation c) Evaporation 13) What is the correct order of the stages in the water cycle? Think about where does it starts and how it ends. a) 1. Condensation 2.Evaporation 3. Collection 4.Precipitation  b) 1.Collection, 2. Precipitation, 3. Condensation, 4. Evaporation  c) 1. Evaporation 2. Condensation 3. Precipitation 4. Collection 


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