guttering candle - draining, tattered paper - ragged, reconnoiter  - make a military observation of somewhere , rasp - to make a scraping, croaking sound, coalesce - to unite, overbear - to be overcome with emotional burden, weal - a swollen red mark on flesh, fraternize - to associate with a member of the enemy , preposterous - absurd, if I had my druthers - free choice, effrontery - insolence, mettlesome - full of vigor and stamina, imperious - dominant, askance (adverb) - with disapproval, we re fresh out - we ve just sold out, sagacious - having or showing an ability to understand difficult ideas and situations and to make good decisions, verdant - green with growing plants, office box flop - failure, financially destitute - financially desperate, recoup one’s losses - to compensate for , pulling at the hearstrings - making everyone cry,

Advanced words — literature 04.04.2022


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