1) My father ...... cigarettes. (NOT) a) doesn't smoke b) don't smokes c) doesn't smokes 2) I ....... meat. (NOT) a) don't eat b) doesn't eat  c) don't eats 3) Lydia.............. lots of photographs. a) buy b) takes c) take 4) Grace and Lydia .......... songs. (NOT) a) doesn't write b) don't c) don't write 5) Her parents .............. for the mobile. a) pay b) pays c) doesn't pays 6) Where .......... Lydia's mum come from? a) doesn't b) do c) does 7) I get ............... late on sundays. a) off b) up c) on 8) He comes ............. Scotland. a) from b) into c) by 9) Theacher's birthday is ........ 16th May. a) at b) in c) on 10) My dad ................ me presents in festivities.(Not) a) don't like b) doesn't like c) like

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