1) What is the name of the article? a) Fighting Racism, Quietly b) The Ahmaud Arbery trial offers lessons for Americans politics c) The Morning d) Words and Deeds  e) The anti-Bannon strategy 2) How many people killed Ahmaud Arbery? a) 1 person b) 2 people c) 10 people d) 3 people e) 5 black guys 3) What is a slur? a) Treat someone as less intelligent than they are b) An insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation c) A drink other than water. 4) Where did the event happen?  a) Florida b) Texas c) Georgia d) Arizona 5) When did the event happen? a) Feb. 22, 2022 b) Feb. 23, 2021 c) Feb. 24, 2020 d) Feb. 23, 2020 6) How old was Ahmaud Arbery? a) 28 years old b) 25 years old c) 23 years old d) 22 years old 7) What was the name of the prosecutor that took the case? a) Linda Dunham b) Linda Dunikoski c) Angela Dunikoski d) Richard Fausset 8) Why was the case and Linda, criticized?  a) She was not hard enough when it came to the punishment. b) Her arguments were not very well-structured. c) Dunikoski was weakening her case by ignoring the defendants’ motive. 9) Why was Dunikoski deliberately leaving out a big part of the story? a) She thought that part what actually not that important. b) There was no time to give all of the arguments in from of the jury.  c) She completely forgot about that specific part of the information. d) She believed that emphasizing race would be a gift to the defense. 10) What's the meaning of "racial animus"? a) Someone who is acting out of dislike, hatred motivated by racial discrimination. b) The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. c) Dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries d) Relating to the major groupings into which humankind is sometimes divided on the basis of physical characteristics or shared ancestry


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