port - a town near the sea where ships can stop (noun) , ocean - a big sea (noun) , whale - a very big animal that lives in the sea and looks like a fish (noun), sail - to go across the water (verb) , ship - a large boat used to sail across the ocean or sea (noun) , harbor - the area where ships stop (noun) , inn - old name for hotels ; we still use this word today (noun) , landlord - a person who has an inn; also a person who rents apartments and rooms to other people (noun) , empty - with nothing or nobody inside (adjective) , captain - the most important person on a ship (noun) , strange - opposite of usual (adjective) , on board  - to be on a ship (phrasal verb) , friendly - nice and open with other people (adjective) , row - to move a boat through the water (verb) , cabin - a room on a ship ,

Moby Dick Chapter One Crossword


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