JEAN PIAGET'S STAGES OF COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT : Environment does not change the behavior of a child., All children go through the same stages in the same order., Naturalistic observation, Pre- operational ( 2-7 years old), Swiss psychologist , Formal operation (12 and beyond), Sensorimotor ( 0- 2 years old), Concrete operation ( 7-11 years old), SOCIOCULTURAL THEORY OF LEV VYGOTSKY: Social interaction and language are the two central factors in cognitive development. , Children gain knowledge with the help of others such as parents and teachers., Students cannot do on their own but can do with assistance., Children develop independently of specific stages as the result of specific stages as the result of interaction., Learning happens because we interact with our environment., Social factors influence development., Emphasizes the importance of more knowledgeable others, Heavily stresses language's role development,


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