1) The thief ....... my wallet yesterday a) steal b) steals c) stole d) is stealing e) was stealing 2) ....... you ...... late last night? a) do, sleep b) does,sleep c) did, sleep d) did, slept e) was, sleep 3) Where .... she .... last week? a) do, go b) do, goes c) does, go d) did, go e) did, went 4) Anton .... happy yesterday a) do b) does c) was d) were e) is 5) Dinda ........ the lesson two days ago a) don't understand b) doesn't understand c) didn't understand d) wasn't understand e) isn't understand 6) ..... Intan sad last night? a) do b) does c) is d) was e) were 7) The singers .... a song last night a) sing b) sings c) sang d) sung e) is singing 8) ..... the teacher ..... an English two days ago? a) do, teach b) does, teach c) did, teach d) was, teach e) is, teach 9) Ziva ......... her grand mother last weekend a) don't visit b) doesn't visit c) didn't visit d) wasn't visit e) didn't visited 10) The example of simple past is .... a) the boys play football b) Vira watches television c) Dinda buys a new car d) Does Indra go to the school? e) Jihan was happy last night 11) The police ..... the thief at the street a) catch b) catches c) is catching d) are catching e) caught


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