her(iau) - challenge(s), llinell derfyn (llinellau terfyn) - finishing line(s), ysgyfarnog(od) - hare(s), codi pwysau - lift weights, weightlifting, cyflawni - to achieve, to fulfil, datrys - to solve, gwibio - to dart, to sprint, herio - to challenge, llongyfarch - to congratulate, trechu - to defeat, to beat, balchder - pride, cyhyr(au) - muscle(s), llysenw(au) - nickname(s), ffefryn(nau) - favourite(s), ffreutur - canteen, gwn (gynnau) - gun(s), lleithder - humidity, damp(ness), milwr (milwyr) - soldier(s), buddugol - triumphant, corfforol - physical, cystadleuol - competitive, eithafol - extreme, hunangynhaliol - self-sufficient, penderfynol - determined, a'i wynt yn ei ddwrn - gasping, breathless, cael gwared ar - to get rid of, rhoi cynnig ar - to give (it) a go, wnaiff hynny ddim drwg - that won't do any harm, yn gymwys - exactly, yn y fan a'r lle - there and then,

Uwch 1 : Uned 1 : Geirfa


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