a sentence in Present Simple using a frequency adverb, a sentence in Present Continuous using a time adverb, a sentence in Past Simple using a time adverb, a sentence in Past Continuous using a time adverb, a sentence in Present Perfect using a time adverb, a sentence in Past Perfect using a time adverb, a sentence with "Used to" using a time adverb, a sentence using Simple Past & Past Continuous, a sentence using Simple Past & Past Perfect, a sentence using Present Simple & Present Continuous, a sentence using a state verb in the Present Simple, a question in Present Simple, a question in Present Continuous, a question in Present Perfect, a question in Past Simple, a question in Past Continuous, a question in Past Perfect, a negative statement in Present Simple, a negative statement in Past Simple, a negative statement in Present Continuous, a negative statement in Past Continuous.

Present and Past Tenses


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