What was your favorite fairy tale as a child?, If you met J.A. Comenius, what would you say to him?, If you could propose a change in the school system, what would it be?, Why is it important for children to have music education at school?, How was your first day at school?, What do you remember most from your childhood school days?, What was the last thing you have changed in your life?, What is your favorite motto, the life creed that you follow?, What is your dream car?, Which famous person (even dead) would you like to have dinner with?, If you were to become a superhero, what would your superpower be?, What are the 3 best books you've read so far?, What are your 3 strengths?, What are your 3 weaknesses?, Which animal best describes you?, What or who can always make you laugh?, What's the best vacation you've been on so far?, What is your favorite day of the week and why?, What 3 things would you not survive on a deserted island without?, If you had to have one season for the whole year, which would you choose?, What makes you happy at school?, Which food would you be unable to give up?, Which word/phrase do you use most often at school?, If you were a ghost, who would you go to haunt?, If you could talk to one kind of animal, what would it be?, What is your favorite family tradition?, If you could live anywhere else, where would it be and why?, Which of the foreign languages (only one) would you like to learn overnight?, What would you say to today's youth?, Where do you see yourself in 10 years?.

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