MusketWars - What were the wars in 1820s Aotearoa called?, land - What is something wars are often fought over?, holocaust - What was it called when the Germans tries to wipe out the Jewish race?, equal - Thomas Jefferson said "all men are created ______", slaves - What did Thomas Jefferson own a lot of?, UDHR - What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights abbreviated to?, rainbow - What is the LGBT+ community also known as? (in the sky), sovietunion - Which country suffered the most lives lost in WW2?, twenty - How many million people died in WW2?, civilian - What do you call a person who was not fighting in the war?, expensive - Wars have become more ________________ over time., conflict - What is a struggle for power or disagreement?, diplomacy - The work of keeping good relations between governments of different countries., rights - All humans are supposed to have these, nation - another word for country, peace - The absence of fighting or conflict, war - A state or period of fighting between states, nations, or opposing forces,


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