Living in the countryside is better than living in a big city., You only succeed in life if you have a college degree., Maths is one of the most enjoyable subjects at school., It isn’t rude to ask a woman her age., Buying stylish clothes for babies is a waste of money., The smartphone is the most dangerous device you’ve ever touched., It’s pointless to ask people for food preferences before a party., Road trips are more enjoyable than flying to a destination., You can’t buy happiness is just something poor people say., Almost everyone can enjoy reading, but schools destroy that capability fast., If you can’t control your kid at a public place, then go home., You will die. I will die. We will be forgotten., It’s not worth your time arguing with people on the internet., Putting a period at the end of a text makes it seem more aggressive., Elderly people will try to analyze your life from their perspective and experience and will not realize the things from today’s generation..


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