composed (сдержанный) - calm and self-possessed, flustered (взволнованный, растерянный) - nervous or confused, gracious (милосердный) - having or showing kindness, charm, etc., forgiving (всепрощающий) - ready and willing to forgive, spiteful (злобный) - deliberately nasty to someone in order to hurt or upset them, hysterical (истеричный) - uncontrollably emotional, resourceful (изобретательный, находчивый) - effective and imaginative in solving problems; practical, victorious (победоносный, ликующий) - successful in a contest or battle, harmless (безобидный, безвредный) - not dangerous or offensive, defensive (обороняющийся, защитный) - behaving in a way that shows you think someone is criticizing you even if they are not, mellow (мягкий) - gentle and calm and does not criticize other people, because they have a lot of experience of life, melodramatic (мелодраматический, напыщенный) - exaggeratedly emotional or sentimental,

Emotional reactions


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