1) Thank you for ... ... ... our eco-tour. a) joining b) join c) to join 2) We have ... ... ... more about the environment. a) to try b) to think c) to go 3) We are happy ... ... ... many tourists. a) to have b) to visit c) to has 4) So, ... ... ... is important is to understand the meaning of this eco-tour. a) who b) what c) why 5) The ... ... ... of Yakushima is usually warm and humid throughout the year. a) sunny b) rain c) climate 6) This is ... ... ... we call Yakushima "the Alps of the Sea." a) the why b) the reason why c) the reason what 7) I"ll introduce the three sites ... ... ... we are going. a) where b) when c) what 8) The name Wilson ... ... ... Dr. Ernest Wilson. a) come from b) coming from c) comes from 9) He was the ... ... ... to introduce the stump to the world. a) one person b) only person c) first person 10) Now is the time ... ... ... we should think about the importance of eco-tours. a) when b) where c) how 11) They had to offer boards of cedar ... ... ... of rice. a) because b) instead c) suitable 12) ... ... ... for the orientation. a) It's all b) That's all c) That all

【Fit】Unit 4 Phrases


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