I could never ....................... those unrealistic standards. - live up to , How could she ................ on her kids? - walk out, He's never done this type of work before; I'm not sure how he'll ...............with the other people. - fit in, She's never really .............. with her sister. - got on, You can ............... online for language classes. - sign up, She spends hours on the phone, ............. old friends. - catching up with, She decided not to.............. the operation. - go through with, I don't know how she ............ him. He treats her so badly. - puts up with, Could you get some milk? We seem to have ................. it. - run out of, If you don't know what the word means, .............. in a dictionary. - look it up, He'd always..................  his uncle. - looked up to, If I thought I could ................ it, I wouldn't pay my taxes at all. - get away with, He bought me dinner to .............. being so late the day before. - make up for, What did you ................. on your holiday? - get up to, He never goes ................ his word. - back on,

Phrasal verbs U1 Intermediate


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