1) What percent of plants and animals call the Amazon Rainforest home? a) 10% b) 40% c) 90% d) 100% e) 12% f) 3% 2) What are the two effects of deforestation? (Select two for this question) a) Increased chance of Global Warming b) The Rainforest blows up c) All of the animals get killed d) The plants die out of dry-ness e) Weather Effection f) A party is going to happen 3) Is there a rainier season in the Amazon Rainforest? a) Yes b) No 4) How many insects you can find in the Amazon Rainforest? a) 20,000 b) 500,000 c) 1,100 d) 30,000,000 e) 45,000,000 f) 5,000,000 5) What are some of the natural resources in the Amazon Rainforest? a) Coffee, Tin, Jelly, Jam b) Milk, Cookies, mint chocolate c) Jellybeans, rubberbands, Leather d) Gold, Copper, Tin, and Iron e) Penny, Nickel, Dime f) Penny, Nickel, Quarter 6) When does the rainier season last? a) May-October b) December-August c) April-May d) Monday-Friday e) Saturday-Sunday f) January-May 7) What Percent of birds live in the Amazon Rainforest? a) 33% b) 40% c) 90% d) 86% e) 1% f) 89% 8) How many species does the Amazon rainforest have in the Rainforest? a) 3,000,000 b) 15,000,000 c) 7,000,000 d) 30,000,000 e) 56,000,000 f) 45,000,000 9) What is the average humidity in the Rainforest? a) 90-99% b) 30-49% c) 67-98% d) 77-88% e) 33-54% f) 91-93% 10) How many tribes the Amazon Rainforest holds for trees? a) 90 b) 87 c) 60 d) 98 e) 200 f) 56 11) How many reptile species do the amazon rainforests hold? a) 200 b) 300 c) 900 d) 1,000 e) 600 f) 423 12) What is the average temperature in the Rainforest? a) 41F b) 90F c) 88F d) 80F e) 42F f) 33F

Amazon Rainforest Quiz!


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