1. What time is it? I ____. Sorry.2. I'm thirsty. I ____ a drink. 3. I ____ your bag. where did you get it? 4. I ____ Thomas is stupid. 5. I ____. I think he is clever. 6. Her English isn't very good. I ____ her. 7. He's very rich. He ____ a house in London. 8. You ____ upset! What's the matter? 9. Sorry I forgot your birthday. Don't worry. It ____. 10. I'm 70. I ____ you! You look 20 years younger! 1. I can't meet you today. I am ____ my doctor.2. My mum doesn't ____ well recently. 3. Ola is ____ a shower now. She can't answer the phone. 4. Do you ____ the answer? 5. I ____ meeting my friends. 6. Ola is ____ at the picture in the museum now. 7. I didn't know before but now I ____ what you mean. 8. How are you ____ today? 9. I don't ____ to go to the park. It's cold. 10. This cake ____ great!


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