SIGHTS - places of interest that tourists visit, ATTRACTIONS - popular places to see and activities to do on a visit, ADVICE - guidance, an opinion, or a recommendation given to help someone, EVENT - an activity that is planned and usually important, LEAFLET - a printed sheet of paper that advertises or gives information about something, BROCHURE - a small book or pamphlet that contains information about something, CLIMATE - the average weather of an area over a long period of time, LANDSCAPE - scenery, TRADITIONS - customs or beliefs handed down from generation to generation, NIGHTLIFE - evening entertainment, SPICY - (food) having a strong, hot flavour, ROUTE - the roads or paths you follow to get from one place to another place, DURATION - length of time; how long something lasts, DISCOUNT - a reduction in price, SIGHTSEEING - the activity of visiting places of interest in a particular location,


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