autonomy - the ability to make your own decisions and live independently, circumvent - to find a way around an obstacle or problem, dichotomy - a division into two contrasting parts or groups, elucidate - to make something clear or explain it in detail, formidable - causing fear or apprehension; impressive in strength or skill, hierarchy - a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked according to status or authority, impetus - something that encourages a particular action or behavior, juxtaposition - the act of placing two or more things side by side to compare or contrast them, lucid - clear and easy to understand, mitigate - to make something less severe or painful, narcissism - excessive self-love or self-centeredness, ostracize - to exclude someone from a group or society, perfunctory - done without care or interest; performed as a routine duty, quintessential - representing the most perfect or typical example of something, relinquish - to give up something, especially something you would like to keep,

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