1) Witches usually __________ spells. a) conjures over b) conjures on c) conjure up 2) Nowadays, there are many new __________ of addicts a) breeds b) race c) species 3) The expression "so-called" is usually used to: a) give someone or something a name, or to know or address someone by a particular name. b) indicate the name that is commonly or usually used for something. c) to identify any of a class of people, places, or things 4) The other children __________ her because her parents were poor. (despised) a) looked up and down to b) looked down on c) looked less on 5) What's this? a) It's a tanning up bed. b) It's a tan up bed. c) It's a tanning bed. 6) It has never __________ my mind that he could do this. (never thought) a) crossed b) crossed over c) came to 7) Mary has been really __________ lately. She's always yelling and shouting, and slamming doors. a) edgy b) at the top c) in the verge 8) Working 50 hours a week has been and __________ difficult challenge. a) overwhelm b) overwhelming c) overwhelmingly 9) I don't think Mary does it on purpose. I think she doesn't even __________ what she's doing. a) perceive b) account c) understands 10) With every day that passed he became ever more __________. a) despairing b) despairs c) disasperated 11) My friend is addicted to shopping. a) She's a shopolic b) She's a compulsive shopping c) She's a shopaholic. 12) The girl in the picture has an __________ of books a) fularm b) armful c) full arm 13) Amber and Johnny broke up __________ an abusive conduct on her part. a) over b) because c) about 14) What picture best represents the definition of a CLUSTER? a) b) c) 15) Fortunately, many terrible illnesses are __________ nowadays. (can receive proper treatment) a) treating b) treated c) treatable

AEF Unit 6B - Can't Live Without: Are we hooked on addiction? VOCABULARY


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