promulgate  :  Her ideas have been widely promulgated on the Internet. - Formal, premium: put/place a premium on sth - They put a high premium on customer loyalty., Hurdle=obstacle=barrier finding enough money for the project was the first hurdle. - overcome/ clear/get over a hurdle, a plethora of sth/ suggestions/ changes - what will you do with the plethora of extra supplies?, prosperity: The tourism industry makes a crucial contribution to prosperity. - a time of economic prosperity The future prosperity of the country, commence: to begin or to start sth - work will commence on the new building immediately., opt: choose opt for - He opted for early retirement. she opted for a career in music., fragile:weak the country fragile economy - Relations between the two coutries are in a fragile state., willpower: it takes a lot of willpower to give up smoking. - Losing weight is largely amatter of willpower., arduous:laborious: tough: difficult - in those days, long-distance travel was slow and arduous.,

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