1) This books looks _______________. a) interested b) interesting 2) I have got nothing to do. I am __________. a) bored b) boring 3) She speaks very quickly. It's ___________. a) annoyed b) annoying 4) I had a very ________ holiday. a) excited b) exciting 5) I don't like this computer game. It's too ____________. a) frightened b) frightening 6) I was __________ when we got the competition results. a) disappointed b) disappointing 7) It was ___________ when we got the competition results. a) disappointed b) disappointing 8) I fell over in a shop yesterday. It was so _________! a) embarrassed b) embarrassing 9) I fell off my bike in front of my girlfriend. I was so ______. a) embarrassed b) embarrassing 10) I think Harry Potter is an ___________ book. a) excited b) exciting 11) I lost my money. I was really ________. a) worried b) worrying 12) It is _____________ that I lost all my money. a) worried b) worrying 13) This holiday was really ____________. a) relaxed b) relaxing 14) He is a really _________ teacher. I always fall asleep. a) bored b) boring 15) I´m often __________ in her lessons and keep falling asleep. a) bored b) boring

F4B - Adjectives (-ed x -ing)


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