Emma: "I heard that Alice is a ____. Do you think she would like this dress?" Sophie: "Definitely, she loves everything pink and glittery." Alex: "I never understood why you're such a ____, Lily." Lily: "I find it more comfortable to wear sneakers and jeans than dresses and heels. Moreover, I love playing soccer with the boys." Oliver: "I had a ____ with my sister yesterday. She always borrows my clothes without asking." Lucy: "Maybe you could set some rules and explain how you feel. Communication is key." Mrs. Johnson: "I am beyond proud of my ____ child." Mr. Smith: "She's a delight to have in class. Always respectful and attentive." Mark: "I heard that you read a lot. Are you a ____ ?" Nina: "I guess you could say that. I love losing myself in a good story." Sophie: "I can't believe you were so ____ at the party last night, Max." Max: "I know, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have drunk so much. It won't happen again.

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