1) The moon's gravitational pull causes a) Earth to orbit the sun b) tides on Earth c) seasons on Earth d) sunlight 2) The moon revolves around the a) earth b) mars c) jupiter d) sun 3) What is the largest celestial body in OUR solar system a) Jupiter b) Saturn c) Sun d) moon 4) Where is the asteroid belt found? a) Between the Sun and Mercury b) Between Neptune and Uranus c) Between Venus and Earth d) Between Mars and Jupiter 5) Which is true about Mercury, Venus Earth and Mars a) they all have atmosphere b) they all have many moons c) they all have rings made of rocks and ice d) they all have a rocky surface 6) Which planet is the hottest a) Mercury b) Mars c) Venus d) Jupiter 7) Comets are made of a) helium and hydrogen b) ice c) carbon dioxide d) sulfuric acid 8) The sun is so hot because it is made of what gases? a) carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid b) nitrogen and oxygen c) helium and hydrogen d) methane and helium 9) How many planets are there in OUR solar system? a) 6 b) 7 c) 8 d) 9 10) Mercury, Venus, Earth and Marls are know as a) rocky planets b) gaseous planets 11) The closest four planets are called the  a) inner planets b) outer planets 12) The furthest four planets are called the a) inner planets b) outer planets 13) ____________are similar to planets but are not large enough to have cleared their orbital region of other objects a) dwarf planets b) comets c) asteroid belt d) Kuiper Belt 14) The __________ is a region of thousands of small bodies that exists outside the orbit of the planets. objects in this area consist of "ice" such as ammonia water and methane. a) dwarf planets b) Asteriod belt c) Kuiper belt d) comets 15) Our solar system is part of a bigger grouping of stars called the a) Milky way Galaxy b) Andromeda Galaxy c) Messier 63 Galaxy d) Whirlpool Galaxy 16) About 99.85% of the mass of the solar system is in the a) Asteroid belt b) Sun c) Moon d) Planets 17) The inner and outer planets are separated by a) asteroid belt b) moon c) comets d) dwarf planets 18) What holds the planets in their orbits around the Sun? a) gravity b) speed c) magic d) air currents 19) Identify this planet a) Jupiter b) Saturn c) Uranus d) Neptune 20) Which of the following is true of ALL planets in our Solar System? a) They are all bodies in space that orbit the Sun b) They do not move c) They make their own light d) They are larger than stars 21) The planet that is closet to OUR Sun? a) Mars b) Mercury c) Earth d) Venus 22) The planet farthest from OUR sun? a) Mars b) Neptune c) Jupiter d) Uranus 23) The moon gets its light from a) The sun b) It makes its own light c) The Earth d) None of these 24) The planet that has 79 confirmed moons a) Saturn b) Venus c) Jupiter d) Mercury 25) This theory explains the origin of the universe a) Big Bang b) Copernican c) Ptolemain d) Gallean 26) Once thought to be a full planet, but was redefined as a dwarf planet in 2006 a) Ceres b) Pluto c) Mars d) Mercury 27) Scientists who sutdy the solar system and out space a) astronomers b) astronauts c) astrologers d) mystics 28) This gas giant is also known S The Red Spot a) Jupiter b) Saturn c) Uranus d) Neptune




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