1.When I accidentally spilled coffee on my boss's important documents, he screamed ____ and threatened to fire me on the spot. 2. My father has a tendency to fly off ____ whenever someone disagrees with him, and it often leads to heated arguments. 3. When the child was told that he couldn't have a toy he wanted, he threw ____ in the middle of the store, kicking and screaming. 1. When the driver cut him off in traffic, he flew ____, honking his horn and shouting obscenities. 2. When her computer crashed just before an important deadline, she blew ____ and started throwing objects across the room. 3. After a stressful week at work, she went to the gym to let off ____ by lifting weights and running on the treadmill. 1. During the meeting, there was an unexpected outburst ____ from one of the participants, who started shouting and slamming his fists on the table. 2. When the customer discovered that his order was incorrect, he went ____ and started throwing food containers across the restaurant. 3. The couple had a heated ____ about their finances, with both of them raising their voices and pointing fingers at each other. 1. She had a ____ expression on her face when she found out that her favorite dress had been ruined in the washing machine. 2. After being insulted in front of her colleagues, she was seething with ____ but managed to keep a composed exterior. 3. The customer became ____ when the cashier refused to accept his expired coupon, demanding to speak to the manager. 1. She got ____ when she read a negative review of her book, spending hours drafting a response to defend her work. 2. When the car wouldn't start for the fifth time, he blew ____ and started hitting the steering wheel in frustration. 3. Despite his calm demeanor, he occasionally loses ____ and shouts at his colleagues when they make mistakes.

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