1) You used to live next door. a) do you? b) didn´t you? c) use you? d) would you? e) were you? f) have you? 2) We won't go there. a) will we? b) won't we? c) do we? d) shall we? e) could we? f) can we? 3) Let's meet at 7. a) shall we? b) can we? c) do you? d) will you? e) have you? f) won't we? 4) I'm driving too slow. a) Aren´t I? b) Am I? c) Do I? d) don't I? e) Are you? f) Aren't you? 5) He never cleans here. a) Does he? b) doesn't he? c) will he? d) can he? e) can't he? f) would he? 6) Please, open the door. a) do you? b) don't you? c) Will you? d) won't you? e) could you? f) would you? 7) We have never eaten that strange dish, a) haven't you? b) haven't we? c) have we? d) had we? e) hadn't we? f) have you never? 8) You can fix that, a) could you? b) wouldn't you? c) can you? d) or not? e) can't you? f) couldn't you?



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