A theme is a message of the story or play, A plot is the sequence of the events., Characters are people who are involved in the story, play,etc., A dialogue is the conversation between two or more people. , A conflict is the argument or disagreement between two or more people , Lyrical and narrative are types of a poetry., A metaphor is a type of poetic devices , Rhyming is the repetition of words., A simile a comparison sound device., An onomatopoeia is the imitation of sounds, An alliteration is the repetition of vowels "A, E, I, O, U", The word paragraph is a synonym of paragraph , The external structure is the outer part of the poem, The internal structure is the inner part of the poem, A Mood is the tone of the poem, Assonance is the repetition of consonants "B,C,D,...., A verb is an action or a doing word (Choose the correct answer), An adverb is the word that describes a verb. , An adjective is a word that describes a noun , A Setting is when and where does a story takes place , The word pedagogue is the synonym of a teacher , Reprimand means to call to order, The poets create poems to express their feelings , Narrative, dramatic and lyric are the types of dramas. , A drama is a play for theatre, radio, or television., A narrator is a person who tells a story, A sentence is a group of words which expresses a complete thought , A sentence consists of subject, verb and object , A phrase is a group of words without a finite verb. Eg. around the corner , A clause is a group of words that containing a finite verbs , The proper nouns always begins with capital letters, A collective noun is the name of a group of people or objects , A pride of lions The pronoun takes the place of a noun, Conjunctions are words that join two or more sentences into a single sentence , Synonyms are words of the same or similar meanings, Antonyms are words of opposite meaning , Homonyms are words spelt and pronounced in an identical way but they have different meanings and functions , Itumeleng kicks the ball,

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