1) What kind of people do you find most emotionally draining to work with? 2) Do you think your job is rewarding? What can be done if not? 3) Do you know anyone who is between jobs? Did they get made redundant? Were they sacked? If not, why did they quit? 4) Do you want to get a pay rise? A substantial one? Why isn't it always easy to ask for one? 5) Are you self-employed? If yes, is it all roses? If not, would you like to be? Why? 6) Do you thrive on stress and challenge? Do you prefer doing a menial job or a stimulating one? 7) Are you able to delegate responsibility? If not, why are you a control freak? If yes, what words of advice can you give to those people who have difficulty delegating? 8) How quickly do you usually get the hang of things? 

Outcomes UI. Unit 9. The world of work.


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