I saw AN old man with A dog. - to mention something for the first time, I saw an old man with a dog, and THE dog was barking. - to mention something again in (to talk about a thing or a person or thing mentioned before), THE moon goes round THE sun. - to talk about someone or something that is unique (when there’s only one of something); when it is clear what we're talking about, She’s A lawyer. - to say what somebody’s profession (job) is, Women talk more than men. Love is more important than MONEY. - to talk about things in general (to make generalisations), The ticket costs 20 zlotys for AN hour. - to mean 'in each' or 'per', in THE morning / in THE afternoon / in THE evening - SET PHRASES WITH THE - times of the day  , at THE weekend; go to THE cinema; listen to THE radio  - OTHER SET PHRASES FOR THE (*no rules here!), on Monday/Tuesday/... ; watch TV - SET PHRASES - NO ARTCLE (*no rules here!),

ARTICLES (A, AN, THE, ZERO ARTICLE) - przedimki w j. angielskim


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