Your English teacher arrived 25 minutes late today. It's weird because she's always on time to class. , Luis got fired yesterday. You wonder what happened. , Luisa and Tom didn't make it to their flight this morning. They got too late to the airport. ), Tom failed the course. His parents got angry at him! , Carla's friends from the university traveled to Punta Sal last month. She didn't go because her boss didn't give her permission. , You lent a friend 200 dollars last November. He said he would pay you back the following month but he never did. , John's girlfriend broke up with him last night. He feels terrible. , Yesterday Peter went out with someone he really likes but this person got more than 30 minutes late! , When Charles finished school, he decided to relax instead of studying a career. Last December, most of his school friends graduated. .

2. Speculation and deduction



Tilfeldige kort er en åpen mal. Det genererer ikke poengsummer for en ledertavle.

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