Sophie: Hey, Jake! We were going over Kennedy's ____ speech in history class, and it's pretty ____, isn't it? Jake: Absolutely, Sophie. That part where he talks about facing any ____ and the commitment to ____ the common enemies of man is so ____. Sophie: Yeah, and his call to ____ for a better world, to ____ ourselves to service, it's like he's ____ everyone to a higher purpose. Jake: I agree. The way he ____ the idea of not asking what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country—it's just ____ and powerful. Sophie: The ____ in his words really comes through. It's like he's urging us to ____ our potential for the greater good. Jake: And when he talks about ____ in poverty, disease, and tyranny, it's a reminder that our true ____ are these common issues that ____ humanity. Sophie: That's a great point. He's asking us to take an ____ to defend freedom and contribute to the progress of ____. It's a significant ____. Jake: Absolutely. It makes you reflect on the responsibility we have as individuals to make the world a better place. Kennedy's ____ speech is timeless in that sense. Sophie: Well said, Jake. It's amazing how his words continue to ____, urging each generation to ____ for a brighter and more compassionate future.


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