1) The island inhabitants are worried because there have been ... minor tremors in the last couple of months. a) a few b) few 2) There were four candidates in the election and ... got about 5,000 votes. a) every b) each 3) The hurricane will go north of the city, so ... major damage is expected. a) little b) a little 4) ... astonished by her exam results. a) We were all b) We all were 5) Is there ... caffeine in green tea than in coffee? a) less b) fewer 6) These old bookshelves ... replaced by cupboards. a) will all be b) all will be 7) It takes me ... than 30 minutes to walk to work. a) fewer b) less 8) When I was in hospital, Martha visited me ... single day. a) each b) every 9) Although the management said they were going to restructure the company, in fact they made ... changes. a) a few b) few 10) Nowadays, nearly ... new car is fitted with airbags. a) every b) each 11) When I got on, ... bus seemed to be full of screaming schoolchildren. a) all of the b) the whole 12) The company has ... than 20 employees. a) fewer b) less

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