1) The __________ of the math club could solve even the most complex calculus problems with ease, displaying not just skill but a deep appreciation for the subject. a) connoisseur b) decorous c) euphemism d) pedantic 2) His __________ manner during the math competition was evident, as he carefully placed each pencil and eraser at right angles to his neatly arranged papers. a) connoisseur b) decorous c) euphemism d) pedantic 3) The teacher used "alternative solution" as a __________ for the incorrect answer, trying not to discourage the student who had made a logical yet flawed calculation. a) connoisseur b) decorous c) euphemism d) pedantic 4) She was __________ in her explanation of the theorem, insisting on the importance of each minute step in the proof, which some students found excessive. a) connoisseur b) decorous c) euphemism d) pedantic 5) His __________ during the lecture on mathematical constants was unnecessary; the exaggerated emphasis on the simplest concepts made the talk less informative. a) connoisseur b) decorous c) bombast d) pedantic 6) The __________ student claimed he would easily get a perfect score on the math exam, but his overconfidence came across as off-putting to his peers. a) connoisseur b) arrogant c) misanthropic d) pedantic 7) Although he excelled in mathematics, his __________ outlook made him unpopular; he believed that most people could not appreciate the beauty of pure mathematics. a) resolute b) bombast c) misanthrope d) pedantic 8) Some students began to __________ the new algebraic method introduced by the teacher, mocking it for being more complex than the traditional approach. a) cheer b) support c) jeer d) consider 9) Her conclusion in the geometry proof appeared __________, as it seemed correct at first glance, but upon closer inspection, it did not align with the axioms. a) pedantic b) correct c) euphemistic d) disingenuous 10) In the mathematics department, __________ dictates that one always show the steps of one's work, ensuring transparency and the ability for others to follow the logic. a) connoisseur b) bombast c) euphemism d) propriety

SAT Vocab # 11


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