1) Have your parents ever disapproved of any of your relation..........? 2) Do you have as much free.......... as you want in your life? 3) What affects your levels of happi..........? 4) What is your neighbour.......... like? 5) What do you do to combat bore..........? 6) Have you ever suffered from a serious ill..........? 7) What qualities do you think are important in a partner..........? 8) Which is better to have, a great imagina.......... or lots of knowledge? 9) What can we do to increase aware.......... of environmental issues? 10) Do you think sites like Facebook or Instagram are good for friend..........? 11) Have you ever bought a member.......... to something? If so, what was it? 12) Have you ever been inspired by someone's act of kind..........? 13) Do you think censor.......... is a good or bad thing? 14) What is your biggest weak..........? 15) What is your best memory from your child..........? 16) How important is learning English to your educa..........? 17) Are there any ceremonies in your country to mark the entrance into adult..........? 18) What yearly celebra.......... do you look forward to the most? 19) Have you ever been to the United King..........? If not, would you like to go? 20) If you were given a choice between being given great wis.......... or great wealth, which would you choose?

EC I4 M2 9B Suffix question time!


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