How many of your Facebook friends have you seen ____? For Rob Jones, who 11's currently meeting every ____ friend on his Facebook page, the answer could soon be 700. His ____ to ____ money for a children's charity means he has already ____ face-to-face with 123 internet ‘friends' in seven countries, some of whom he has never met before. He takes a photo for his Facebook page with everyone he meets, and ____ them to give to his charity, and he has already raised more than £3,000. He hopes to have met all 700 within three years, travelling thousands of miles to thirty countries ____ New Zealand, on the other side of the world, in the ____. People often say that Facebook friends aren't real friends. But Rob met his Polish girlfriend online and they've now been together ____ three years. He says this ____ that the internet is a powerful ____. ‘I'm ____ with friends, and in the process l'm learning a lot about myself. I now have good friends in people I have never met before this.' ‘Everyone has been great so far; ____ ____ a day with them and they choose what we do.' His adventure has taken him across Europe, visiting England, Scotland , Poland, Finland, Germany and Switzerland, and he's also just visited a ____ ____ in the USA .

Facebook Friends NAvigate Int. p. 6


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