soap opera - 1.a story about the lives and problems of a group of people that is broadcast every day or several times a week on television or radio, microblogging - 3.the activity of sending regular short messages, photos or videos over the internet, either to a selected group of people, or so that they can be viewed by anyone, as a means of keeping people informed about your activities and thoughts, uploaded - ​4.upload something to send data to another computer, target audience - 6.a number of people or a particular group of people who watch, read, or listen to the same thing, drama series - 7.a set of drama that deal with the same subject or that have the same characters, coverage - 8.the reporting of news and sport in the media, screen time - 5.time spent using a device such as a computer, television or tablet, social media - 2.websites and software programs used for social networking,

social media


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