choppy  - ____ water has a lot of waves and is not smooth to sail on, plump - slightly fat in a fairly pleasant way, drop out (of) - to leave a school or university before your course has finished, remote - far from towns or other places where people live, obvious - easy to notice or understand, a handful of - a very small number of people or things, demand for - the need or desire that people have for particular goods and services, stifling - a situation that is ______ stops you from developing your own ideas and character, relevance of - the quality of directly relating to something that is being discussed or considered, grasp of - your ability to understand a complicated idea, situation, or subject, continuous - continuing to happen or exist without stopping, harsh - ________conditions are difficult to live in and very uncomfortable, a ridge of - a long area of high land, especially at the top of a mountain, ice floe - an area of ice floating in the sea, that has broken off from a larger mass, inevitable - certain to happen and impossible to avoid, heritage  - he traditional beliefs, values, customs etc of a family, country, or society, distinction  - a clear difference or separation between two similar things, impose (on) - if someone in authority ______s a rule, punishment, tax etc, they force people to accept it, profound - having a strong influence or effect,


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