1) Doctor belongs to........... job a) industrial b) commercial c) medical 2) iceberg means......... a) ice mountain b) ice cream 3) mother responsibilities such as..... a) driving a bus b) preparing food c) fixing broken things 4) to be fear means......... a) treating others as the way that you want b) telling the truth c) doing what you say 5) telling the truth means to be........ a) fair b) honest c) loyal 6) following through on your promises means to be a) loyal b) fair c) honest 7) studying your lessons a) respectful b) disrespectful 8) problem between us and another person a) time management b) conflict 9) Peace maker is the one who a) raise his hand b) don't follow the rules 10) If you apologize when doing something wrong, so you are----- a) a peace breaker b) a peace maker 11) It is a dry habitat with small amount of water a) ocean b) forest c) desert 12) In farmland habitat farmer uses a) axe b) tent 13) It lives in a desert habitat a) lion b) camel c) polar bear 14) Living organisms need food, water, air a) sand b) rock c) shelter 15) Goose eats a) grass b) warms c) snake 16) It is an area that contains living organisms and non-living things. a) Home b) Habitat 17) i use my ....... to chew food a) teeth b) eyes c) stomach 18) they help us to get rid of wastes a) meat and fish b) milk and cheese c) fruits and vegetables 19) planting seeds a) farmer b) engineer c) doctor 20) helping tourists a) engineer b) tour guide c) doctor 21) he uses cash register a) carpenter b) farmer c) cashier 22) Farmer belongs to........... job a) agricultural b) industrial c) commercial 23) he uses saw......... a) farmer b) carpenter c) mechanic 24) he uses map in his job a) tour guide b) computer programmer c) mechanic 25) cooking food a) painter b) salesperson c) chef 26) sun is ................ a) a star b) a planet c) a rock 27) Cactus plant is found in.......... habitat a) ocean b) forest c) desert 28) water vapor is a) solid b) liquid c) gas 29) solids such as.......... a) ice b) water c) water vapor 30) salty water such as..... a) river b) ocean 31) it is the tallest building in Egypt a) Pyramids b) Cairo tower c) Luxor temple 32) the planet on which we live is called........... a) Earth b) Venus c) Mars 33) we need ....... water in watering crops a) salty b) fresh 34) the earth is mostly covered with a) ice b) rocks c) water 35) Dove eats....... a) warms b) seeds c) grasses

discover grade 2 first term revision


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