Tinker vs. Des Moines - Speech in schools can only be limited when it causes a significant disruption to the learning environment, 1st amendment, New Jersey vs TLO - Students may be searched without a warrant while in school, Plessy vs. Ferguson - Enforced 'Separate but equal', 14th amendment, Brown vs. Board of Education - Overturned Plessy v. Ferguson and struck down segregation as being unequal, 14th amendment, Ingraham v. Wright - Allowed corporal punishment in schools, BL v. Mahanoy - Held that a public school violated the First Amendment when it disciplined a student cheerleader for profane off-campus speech, Kent v. United States - Set the precedent for juvenile due process, ensuring that youth are entitled to the same amount of due process as adults when in the jurisdiction of juvenile court, Vermonia School District v Acton - Schools are allowed to drug test student athletes,

Supreme Court Cases Every Teen Should Know Part 1


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