1) Which of the following conclusions can be made from an analysis of U.S. foreign policy between the Civil War and World War I? a) The United States used military force against every nation it visited b) The United States became more involved in world affairs c) The United States remained entirely isolated from world affairs 2) At the Paris Peace Conference, what countries dominated the peace talks? a) Australia b) Allies c) Central Powers 3) Who did Germany send the Zimmerman telegram to? a) Mexico b) The United States c) France 4) What group did France side with when World War I started in 1914? a) Central Powers b) Allies c) Neutral 5) When World War I started, which side was Austria-Hungary on? a) Allies b) Central Powers c) Neutral 6) Which of the countries below was NOT a part of the Triple Alliance a) Serbia b) Germany c) Austria-Hungary 7) The combat during World War I was distinctive in that it was mainly fought a) with conversation b) in the trenches c) in planes 8) How did the United States raise money to fund the war effort during World War I? a) raising taxes b) sales of Liberty and Victory Bonds c) Asking Taylor Swift to pay 9) Which of the ideas set forth in the Fourteen Points was adopted in the Treaty of Versailles? a) League of Nations b) reduction of military equipment c) freedom of the seas 10) President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points were intended to a) A) make the United States, Great Britain, and France into leading world powers b) prevent future wars c) redistribute Germany's colonies among the Allied nations 11) What group did Russia side with in 1914? a) Neutral b) Central Powers c) Allies 12) Which country was hurt most by the provisions of the Versailles Treaty? a) Germany b) Japan c) United States 13) Which idea was included in the Treaty of Versailles that shows the Allies wanted to punish the Central Powers for their role in World War I? a) All nations shall maintain open covenants of peace. b) Germany will accept full responsibility for causing the war. c) Freedom of the seas will be maintained. 14) "Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated!" "Germany Declares War on Russia and France!'' "Peace Treaty Signed at Versailles!" - Which event is referred to in these headlines? a) Westward Expansion b) Civil War c) World War I 15) What was a new technology Germans began using in 1915 which had a major impact on America’s involvement in the war? a) fighter planes b) submarines  c) water guns 16) The sinking of what ship helped incite the American public against the Germans in World War I? a) The Lusitania b) The Titanic  c) The Royal Caribbean 17) Which situation was the immediate cause of the United States entry into World War I in 1917? a) German submarines sank United States merchant ships. b) Nazi tyranny threatened Western democracy. c) The Maine was blown up in Havana Harbor. 18) World War I began in Europe after a) the German invasion of France. b) the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. c) the invasion of Poland in 1939 19) Growing nationalism and militarism and the creation of secret alliances were a) reasons for the collapse of communism b) requirements for economic development c) causes of World War I d) reasons for the rise of democracy 20) At the beginning of World War I, the United States was not involved in the war because they a) Congress didn't agree with them going to war b) adopting a policy of neutrality c) refusing to allow trade with either side

SC- World War I



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