1) Do you take some time off when you feel you're getting overwhelmed? 2) What would you tell to a friend that who have low-self esteem 3) What do you do when you want to slow down the pace of your life? 4) A deadline is due tomorrow and there are still tons of things to do. Would you speed up or re-think your strategy? 5) Do you take sides on political issues? Do you believe the media in Brazil is politically biased? 6) What can't you do without in your everyday work routine? 7) Does your planning usually turns out the way you designed it to be? 8) How do you tackle the difficulties in your job? 9) Would you ever perform a task where the moral boundaries and the outcome are blurry? 10) "I never step out of my comfort zone"! Have you got any comments on that sentence? 11) Can Soft Skill be developed? 12) Are there any aspects of your life that you have to struggle with in order to develop them? 13) How should we react to compliments? Fake modesty? Or should we just accept that we are good? 14) "I could be any thing but a teacher!" Have you got any comments on that sentence? 15) Have you ever met anyone whose dream was climbing the corporate ladder?

Work and Mindset



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