product - item, device, buy - purchase, stop to function / work - fail, not working / broken - faulty, be disgusted - be appalled, really - extremely, unhappy - dissatisfied, often - frequently / regularly, talk about - discuss, get (a reply) - receive (a reply), quick - prompt, but - However, to add to this (3x) - what is more / furthermore / in addition, without interest (bet úroků) - interest-free, through / by means of - via, I když váš zaměstnanec slíbil, že mi zavolá zpět, nestalo se tak. - Although your member of staff promised to call me back, it never happened., Even though I followed the instructions on your website, I did not manage to download the app.(Despite ...)  - Despite following the instructions on your website, I did not manage to download the app. , Your member of staff was very polite and helpful but she was unable to deal with my complaint. (However)  - Your member of staff was very polite and helpful. However, she was unable to deal with my complain.  , Trvám na tom, abyste tento problém vyřešili hned.  - I insist that you resolve this matter immediately. , Jak si dovedete přestavit, jsem docela zklamaná ... - As you can imagine, I am quite / rather disappointed..., Ocenila bych, kdybyste se mohli zabývat mým problémem...   - I would appreciate if you could look into my matter...,

Formal X informal vocabulary, complaining


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